donaldson, karen ann

View license

ca License g 30545 issued august 8, 1975 (license canceled)

p o box 4112
patroon station
new york

university of texas medical school at san antonio, class of 1974


    • Offenses
    • gross negligence, repeat negligence, incompetence
    march 12, 2001
  • administrative discipline
    caseNumber: 18 1998085754
    description: effective 03/12/01 cannot practice medicine until successful completion of a clinical training or education program. five years probation with various terms and conditions and 100 days actual suspension.
    march 12, 2001
Sign our petition to make the National Practitioner Databank public. It's a federal repository of medical malpractice payments and adverse actions related to doctors. It purports to have a mission "to improve health care quality, protect the public, and reduce health care fraud and abuse in the U.S.", but it explicitly excludes the very patients who would benefit most from seeing findings against doctors from gaining access.